Full Service Chiropractic
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in West Hills
At Cool Breeze Chiropractic in West Hills, we believe in the power of ultrasound therapy as a method of chiropractic therapy. Ultrasound is a therapy that is widely utilized in this office to handle injuries related to joints, muscle spasms, and inflammation of soft tissues. While it shares the same name, this ultrasound is not the same as the type of ultrasound utilized diagnostically to screen internally in the body.
This ultrasound creates small sound waves that in effect vibrate and massage soft tissues and muscle. These sound waves do an excellent job of facilitating the body’s own healing process resulting in a decrease of inflammation and a decrease of scar tissue formation.
Ultrasound therapy is the single most effective form of physical therapy when reduction of inflammation is the desired result. Ultrasound therapy can effectively treat significant soft tissue injury with little or no complications associated with the application of this modality.
There are several different intensities and frequencies of sound when it comes to ultrasound therapy. All stimulate or provoke tissue with sound or vibrations. This form of therapy is incredibly useful for many patients.
If you have any questions about our products or services, or any other requests, please do not hesitate to use our contact form or give us a call!